Sunday, April 13, 2008

Business Etiquette

Proper Business Etiquette
Business etiquette and good manners are a matter of making people feel at ease with the situation and the environment. Whether you are having lunch or dinner with your boss or co-workers or just in an unfamiliar business setting, knowing the appropriate etiquette and manners for these situations is essential. Being able to be comfortable and make everyone else feel comfortable by being a good conversationalist can be seen as an asset to many employers. For this reason, many companies use a lunch invitation in their interviewing process. In my personal experiences I have been on interviews were I was taken to lunch by a company in order for them to see first hand, my ability to interact with possible co-workers and to evaluate my conversational abilities. A large part of learning proper business etiquette at a business lunch or dinner is familiarizing yourself with various table service and settings and the order or their use. Other than that I found that just having the basic manners that many people were taught as children by a parent or grandparent was very helpful. I think that the most important thing to remember is that you are making some kind of impression on the people that you are around, ideally you want that impression to be a positive one. This is why learning proper etiquette is so important in the business world.

Related Links
Business Etiquette - More than just Eating with the Right Fork
Business Etiquette Tips - Etiquette Knowledge Base
Business etiquette - The Boston Globe

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